
This is my Diary of building websites. Don't worry, it's been summarised. Follow some of my experiences as I build websites. My hope is that this will help you in building your sites. The newer posts are at the top for those who visit regularly.
If you want to read the whole history, go to the first entry at the bottm and you can read from the beginning.

Second Step

My second step was a long time happening.
I have a friend who is a professional web designer. He and I had been kicking around ideas for a web site for quite some time. Eventually we firmed up on an idea that I had wanted to do and he was also enthusiastic about.
Then life got in the way. And got in the way. And got in the way.


My First Step

My first web page was an exciting moment. It was not a great web page by any means, but it was exciting because I made it. It was a first for me.
When you sign up to an ISP (Internet Service Provider) for email and web access, you often receive a small amount of server space to use for a personal page. I used it. My ISP offered some software that would build a basic page using a template system. I did not have to know anything about coding.



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